Functions in Jog Mode

Displaying NC-axes

Step 1:

Preconditions for the main operator panel:

  • Motors are switched on.
  • Safety doors closed and locked.
  • Feed start is switched on.

Press the Setup key.
"Setup" machine mode is active.

Use Machine area key on the main operator panel to change to "Machine" main menu.

Turn Feed override back to 0%.

Step 2:

Change to "JOG" NC mode with JOG.
The NC axes in Channel 1 are shown.
The values for position, feed, spindle and tool for the basic machine are displayed.

Selecting the NC axis

Step 1:

Use Axis key X/Y/Z to select the axis to be moved.

  • X: X slide (horizontal)
  • Y: Y-slide (vertical) with machining unit
  • Z: Z-slide (horizontal) with fixture

The lamp of the selected axis lights up.

Press the Axis key B key.
The drive of the rotary table (B-axis) is activated.

Step 2:

Press the Next Axes key.
A dialogue window for axis selection is opened.

Select the required axis using the vertical Cursor keys.

Press the "Accept" softkey.
The axis selection is accepted and the dialog window is closed.

Traversing axis

Step 1:

Select the correct Direction keys -/+ according to direction.
The axis is moved until either the Direction key is released or the area limit is reached.

Correct axis? Correct direction?
Make sure you are clear about which NC axis you want to move in which direction. For this purpose, observe the markings on the machine.

Step 2:

Hand on feed override, To check the axis movement in manual mode, proceed as follows::

  • Turn back Feed override to 0%.
  • Hand stays on the feed override.
  • Press the Plus Direction Key or the Minus Direction Key with the other hand.
  • Look at the position information to see what movement occurs.
  • Carefully turn up the Feed override from 0%.
  • Turn feed override back to 0%.
  • Release Plus or Minus direction keys.

Use the Feed override to increase the traverse speed to the desired value. Release Direction key when the desired position is reached.

Further options on axis positioning

In "MDA" (Manual Data Automatic) NC mode, part programs are produced and processed block-by-block. To do so, the co-ordinates of the travel positions and the additional functions (preparatory conditions, auxiliary functions ...) are entered in the "MDA program" window. The control processes the entered blocks after the NC start key is pressed.

Following a program interruption in Automatic mode (e.g. to perform a measurement on the workpiece and to correct the tool wear values or after a tool break), the tool can be withdrawn manually from the contour after the NC mode has been changed to "Jog". In this case the control stores the coordinates of the interruption point and displays the movement differences of the axes traversed in "Jog" mode in the actual value window as "Repos" displacement (Repos = repositioning).

Repositioning in setup mode is not possible.

Manual spindle rotation

Step 1:

The spindle can be rotated manually at a correspondingly lower speed of rotation. The sequence must be strictly observed for the following operating steps.


  • Machine has stopped at end of cycle.
  • Move spindle towards work area safety door.
  • Motors switched on.
  • Work area safety door closed and locked.

Press the Feed/Spindle Stop key if the spindle has not yet stopped. The associated LED comes on as soon as "Spindle stop" has been accepted by the control.

Step 2:

The effect of the Feed/spindle start key must be coupled to the spindle via the "Feed/spindle key" HMI function (see "Service functions - IBN II).

Press the Lock/unlock safety door key. The safety door is unlocked.

Step 3:

Open work area safety door.

Step 4:

Risk of injury - tool has sharp edges!

Wear protective gloves.

Slowly rotate the spindle so that the Safety Integrated monitoring device cannot trip.

On completing the manual spindle rotation

Step 1:

Close work area safety door.

Step 2:

Press the Lock/unlock safety door key.
The safety door is locked.

Step 3:

Press the Feed/Spindle Start key.
The associated LED comes on as soon as Feed/spindle start has been accepted by the control.

Manual Tool Change in Jog Mode


  • Drives and media switched on.
  • Safety doors closed and locked.
  • "Setup" machine mode is activated.
  • "HMI - Manual mode" main menu is open.

Step 1:

The "Axis- to the change position" function traverses the X and Y-axes into the tool change position.

Step 2:

Place new tool at provisioning place.

Step 3:

Open tool change safety door.

Step 4:

Align spindle.

Step 5:

Move axis position to change position.

Step 6:

Rotate tool gripper 90° towards spindle.

Step 7:

Unclamp old tool in spindle

Step 8:

Tool gripper stroke and 180° rotation {replace old tool with new tool}

Step 9:

Clamp new tool in spindle.

Step 10:

Rotate tool gripper 90° in home position.

Step 11:

Move old tool into magazine.

Step 12:

Close tool changer safety door.

HMI screen "WZW", page 1

Step 1:

HMI screen "WZW", page 2

Step 1:

HMI screen "WZW", page 3

Step 1:


Step 1:


  • Motors switched on.
  • The machine is in Safe operational stop.
  • The work area safety door is locked.

Press the Setup key.
"Setup" machine mode active

Press Machine area key.
The "Machine" main menu is opened.

Step 2:

Press the Setup button.
Setup mode is activated.

Connecting the HT8

Step 1:

Press and hold the Bypass E-Stop key at the stationary operating unit.

Remove the bridge connector from the stationary operating unit.

Insert the connector of the approval unit into the interface (push-pull).

Release the Bypass E-Stop key.

Step 2:

Open Work Area Safety Door

Activating JOG mode (on HT8)

Step 1:


  • Work area safety door opened.
  • Feed and spindle enable is issued.
  • Mobile handheld operating unit connected and ready for operation.

Press the JOG key.
"Jog" NC mode is activated.
The "Jog" basic screen displays position values.

Selecting NC-axis, activating the direction keys

Step 1:

Press the U (User) key.

Important machine control panel functions are activated.

Step 2:

In addition to the axis selection, Feed direction keys + / - and Rapid traverse direction keys ++ / -- are activated as softkeys. These functions can be executed via the keys assigned on the right.

Traversing NC-axis

Step 1:

2-hand operation:
To move the selected axis, two control elements must be pressed at the same time.
on the HT8:

  • Feed direction key -/+ and one of the approval keys at the rear.
  • Rapid traverse direction key --/++ and one of the approval keys at the rear.

at the main operating unit:

  • Direction key +/- and approval key

Step 2:

Turn back Feed override to 0%. Then set feed override to a low value (e.g. 10%).

The traverse speed can be modified using Feed Override. Press one of the Approval keys on the back of the HT8.

Step 3:

Press the approval key and the correct Direction keys -/+ towards the required axis direction and note the effect of the -/+.
The axis traverses until either the Feed direction key -/+ is released or the area boundary is reached.

At the same time as the approval key, press the correct Direction keys -/+.
The axis traverses until either the Rapid traverse direction key --/+ + is released or the area boundary is reached.

Step 4:

Use the Feed override to increase the traverse speed to the desired value.

Release Direction key when the desired position is reached.

Release Direction key -/+ .
The axis stops.

Release the Approval key on the back of the mobile handheld operating unit.

Start of repetition for further traverse motion.

Press the Approval key.

Press a Direction key.
Axis will move as long as the -/+ key (or the Approval key) remain pressed.

Release the -/+ button.
Release Approval key.

If further motion is required, repeat the procedure.

Remove HT8

Step 1:

Press the "Enable" on the HMI When the HT8 is connected - the disable will be active on the HMI screen. Before the HT8 can be removed, the "enable" will have to be selected on the HMI - This will allow the switchover to occur from the HT8 to the HMI when the HT8 is removed.

Step 2:

Press and hold the Bypass E-Stop key at the stationary operating unit.

Remove the approval unit from the interface (push-pull).
Connect bridge connector to interface.
Release the Bypass E-Stop key.

Step 3:

Exit Setup Mode- Go back into Auto Mode.

Step 4:

Close Work Area Safety Door

Individual functions of the Pallet Changer


  • Drives and media switched on.
  • Safety doors closed and locked.
  • "Setup" machine mode is activated.
  • "HMI - Manual mode" main menu is open.


Pallet Changer

The "Pallet changer" function enables the pallet changer to be traversed to the home position following an abort situation. The residual movements are executed to traverse the pallet changer to the next home position.

If the pallet changer is already in the home position, no movement is executed.


  • Work area safety door and workpiece setting station safety door closed and locked.
  • Channel status "Reset".


The "Axes" to "Change position" function moves the NC axes of the machine to their pallet change position.


  • Lifting device lowered.
  • Channel status "Reset".

Pallet in Work Area

The "Pallet in work area" function clamps or unclamps the pallet on the rotary table in the machining area.

With the "Hydraulic workpiece clamping" option, the coupling elements of the pallet are, in addition, coupled to or released from the rotary table. The hydraulic pressure for the clamping fixture is maintained during a pallet changing operation.


  • Lifting device lowered.
  • Channel status "Reset".

Pallet at Setting Station

The "Pallet at setting station" function locks or unlocks the pallet on the loading station.

With the "Hydraulic workpiece clamping" option, the coupling elements of the pallet are, in addition, locked to unlocked at the setting station. The hydraulic pressure for the clamping fixture is maintained during a pallet changing operation.


  • Lifting device lowered.
  • Channel status "Reset".
  • Setting station in 0 degrees position.

Swivel Traverse

The "Swivel traverse" function raises or lowers the rotary plate by 65 mm at the rotary table or the workpiece setting station.


  • Pallet unclamped.
  • Pallet loading station unlocked.
  • NC axes (B, Z) change position approached.

Swivel traverse - In pos. 2/In pos. 1

The "Swivel traverse position 1 or 2" function swaps the pallets at the loading station and the work area with a 180° motion.


  • Pallet unclamped.
  • Pallet loading station unlocked.
  • Swivel traverse raised.

Pallet Change in JOG Mode

Step 1

Close and lock front setting station door (this occurs at front push button panel)

Step 2

Clamp Fixture (this occurs at front push button panel)

Step 3

Traverse NC axes to change position - this will move the Z and B axes to the pallet change position (this occurs at HMI Panel)

Step 4

Unclamp pallet in work area (this occurs at HMI Panel)

Step 5

Unlock pallet at setting load station (this occurs at HMI Panel)

Step 6

Lift Swivel traverse (this occurs at HMI Panel)

Step 7

Position 1 or 2 (this occurs at HMI Panel)

Step 8

Lower swivel traverse (this occurs at HMI Panel)

Step 9

Clamp pallet in work area (this occurs at HMI Panel)

Step 10

Lock pallet at setting load station (this occurs at HMI Panel)

Displaying NC-axes

Step 1:

Preconditions for the main operator panel:

  • Motors are switched on.
  • Safety doors closed and locked.
  • Feed start is switched on.

Press the Setup key.
"Setup" machine mode is active.

Use Machine area key on the main operator panel to change to "Machine" main menu.

Turn Feed override back to 0%.

Step 2:

Change to "JOG" NC mode with JOG.
The NC axes in Channel 1 are shown.
The values for position, feed, spindle and tool for the basic machine are displayed.

Selecting the NC axis

Step 1:

Use Axis key X/Y/Z to select the axis to be moved.

  • X: X slide (horizontal)
  • Y: Y-slide (vertical) with machining unit
  • Z: Z-slide (horizontal) with fixture

The lamp of the selected axis lights up.

Press the Axis key B key.
The drive of the rotary table (B-axis) is activated.

Step 2:

Press the Next Axes key.
A dialogue window for axis selection is opened.

Select the required axis using the vertical Cursor keys.

Press the "Accept" softkey.
The axis selection is accepted and the dialog window is closed.

Moving The Axis

Step 1:

Open Work Area Safety Door

Step 2:

Select Setup Mode

Step 3:

Hold in (press) the approval key.

While holding- select the correct Direction keys -/+ according to direction. The axis is moved until either the Direction key is released or the area limit is reached.

Correct axis? Correct direction? Make sure you are clear about which NC axis you want to move in which direction. For this purpose, observe the markings on the machine.

Step 4:

Select Automatic Mode

Step 5:

Close Work Area Safety Door