General Safety
The following guidelines must be used to promote the general safety of the operation and maintenance personnel:
- When equipment is shutdown by EMERGENCY STOP buttons or other safety devices;
no person should begin maintenance repairs until the proper ECPL procedures are completed.
- Serious personal injury is always possible in an industrial environment.
By understanding and following the safety precautions outlined in this module you can help prevent accidents.
- Every factory has its own operating rules and regulations. This Safety Module does not supersede the existing safety rules in place at your plant.
The safety rules described in this module are meant to supplement those rules already in existence.
- Before working on or with the machine, all persons involved in its transport, erection, wiring, commissioning,
operation or maintenance must have read and fully understood this Interactive Technical Reference System, in particular this module on safety.
- If handling magnesium materials, the relevant safety regulations on working with magnesium must be observed and complied with, e.g.,
the statutory health & safety regulations or Professional Trade Association regulations.
- No operation or procedure that may compromise personal or equipment safety must be carried out.
- Only virus-free equipment and data carriers may be used on the machine.
- Program changes in the machine's programmable control systems are not permitted if they affect safe machine operation.
- All safety and warning signs on the machine must be observed and maintained in a legible condition at all times.
- The operator's working area and machine access areas must be kept free from tools, materials and other objects.
A clean and orderly working area at and around the machine must be maintained.
- Controls and actuators must not be operated willfully or without due care and attention This can result in injury or machine damage.