Pneumatic Safety

Work on the pneumatic system is to be carried out only by suitably trained persons; applicable regulations and codes of practice must be adhered to.

The compressed air maintenance unit of the machine is equipped with a shutoff/lockout valve. The compressed air from the site supply can be shut off by manually operating this shutoff valve.

If damage such as abrasion or leaks are detected on pressure hoses, pressure lines and connections, immediately shut down the machine, even if the defects are minor. Only put the machine back into operation after the fault has been rectified. Fluids escaping at high pressure can cause injury, explosion or fire.

The system may feature multiple air drops and/or use components that are actuated by electrical, hydraulic, gravity, or other means. When working with the system, be aware of multiple possible sources of active power and motion. Follow all lockout procedures as posted on the equipment.
Before locking out the air supply, secure any machine parts that could move when the air pressure is removed. Such motion can result in damage to the equipment and/or personal injury.
Clamping motions are controlled by electrically operated solenoid valves. To avoid personal injury, valves must not be manually activated while any person is near any of the moving parts of a machine. Such action could cause an extremely dangerous situation, because cylinders and their controlling valves may be located out of sight of one another.

Releasing pressure

Before disconnecting any line or removing a control or drive unit, the system must be relieved from pressure. The pressure gauges should be checked to ensure that there is no residual pressure in the system.

Regular inspection of pressure hoses and fittings

The integrity of pressure lines and connectors must be checked at regular intervals and replaced even if only slight damage is apparent. Fluids escaping under high pressure pose a risk of injury, explosion and fire. Any leaks and damages to hoses and pressure lines must therefore be rectified immediately.

Pressure hoses must be replaced regularly according to applicable regulations.

Correct connection

Pneumatic lines must be routed and connected correctly. The correct connectors must be used for connecting lines. All fittings, as well as the length and quality of the hoses must comply with technical requirements.