Cooling SystemThe Cooling System is designed to keep the components of the machine in a tempered state during machining. Therefore a water-cooled cooling unit is supplied on the machine for this purpose. Temperature controlled water is supplied to the cooling unit by the plant for its operating functions. The heat absorbed in the machining process is dissipated back to the plant supplied water cooling return circuit via a plate-type heat exchanger. The "chilled" de-mineralized water with anti-freeze and anti-corrosive agents is supplied by a circulating pump from a 42 L reservoir through supply and return lines to the following machine components:
The refrigerating circuit consists of:
Cooling System ComponentsTo view individual components of the Cooling system, click the "Cooling System Components" button below. To view controls drawings on the Cooling system, click the "Coolingc Controls Drawings" button below. H10000 Direct LoadCooling System Components Cooling Controls DrawingsH10000 A-AxisCooling System Components Cooling Controls DrawingsH10000 Pallet ChangerCooling System Components Cooling Controls Drawings |