Safety Precautions for Transportation Work

Never stand under a suspended load, as this can cause loss of life.

Observe Transportation Instructions

The Transportation(TA) include the following information to the machine and its components:

  • Weights
  • Lifting points
  • Specified lifting gear(if applicable)

Strictly adhere to the instructions in the Transportation Information.

Qualified personnel

Securing of loads and instructing goods vehicle drivers must be carried out by qualified persons. The person issuing instructions must be in visual and verbal contact with the crane driver.

Lifting gear

All lifting equipment must be in perfect condition and must be designed for the weight to be carried. Chains, slings, hooks and lifting bolts must be of sufficient carrying capacity.

Securing traversing slides

Any traversing slides must be moved to a point where their weight is neutralized and secured.

Securing lifting rods

Lifting rods must be secured with retaining collars. The sling or the machine component must not be allowed to slip on the bar/rod.

Transportation fixtures

Transportation fixtures must only be removed after final assembly.

Protection of sensitive parts

If the component to be lifted has sharp edges, use a cushion to avoid damage to the rope or the component.

Correct lifting of loads

Machine components must never be lifted suddenly or jolted with a crane or lifting gear. Start lifting slowly. When selecting the point at which to suspend the load, ensure that the weight is correctly balanced and is suspended horizontally.