Glossary of Terms

Absolute - Absolute set-point moves define a new endpoint in relation to the zero position offset specified in the parameter block.

Absolute Systems - A numerical system control in which all coordinate locations are dimensioned and programmed from a fixed or absolute zero point.

Address - Identifying words on a program tape by means of a letter at the beginning of the word. Some computers also speak of "addressing" a computer when programming instructions are loaded into memory.

Ambient - Surrounding. Ambient temperature is the temperature of the air surrounding the person, place or thing referred to.

Analog - Data presented in a continuous form (typically 4-20mA or 0 to 5VDC).

Axis (Linear or Rotary) - Motion of a machine in a specified direction.

Automatic Mode - The applicable mode when set at the operating mode selector switch.

Backwash - A backward flow of fluid or air.

Ballscrew - A precision assembly used for positioning a unit or part. Screw converts rotary motion to linear motion.

Bushing - A hardened metal liner with or without a head which is used where there is a wearing surface or where precision location is required.

CNC - Computer Numerical Control. Used to describe the type of machine that is driven by computer calculations on multiple axes of motion.

Coolant Network - Schematic diagram of coolant lines and devices showing size, function and location.

Depth - The station or machine has processed the workpiece.

Down Time - Period of time, when machine cannot function due to internal faults, maintenance procedures, or repair activities.

ECPL - Emergency Control and Power Lockout

Encoder - A device which translates mechanical motion into electronic signals used for monitoring position or velocity.

End Effector - An actuator, gripper, or a driven mechanical device connected to the robotic mechanical manipulator to perform work.

E-Stop - Emergency Stop - A device (usually Red Pushbutton) that removes power from all control circuits immediately upon operation.

Electrical Network - Wiring schematic showing the entire electrical control network of a machine.

Feed - The moving rate of speed in IPM. or MMPM. at which a part is machined or a unit is positioned.

Fixture - Assembled unit designed to hold the part during machining. The center of the station that clamps the work piece, on a double-sided station this is shared between stations.

Hertz - Preferred terminology for "Cycles Per Second".

HMI - Human Machine Interface (Operator Interface Panel).

Home - A reference position in a motion control system usually derived from a mechanical datum. Often designated as the "Zero" position.

Home Position - A fixed location in the basic coordinate axes of the machine tool. Usually the point at which everything is fully retracted for tool change and so on.

Hydraulic Network - A schematic diagram of all hydraulic lines and devices showing size, function and location.

Incremental - Incremental set-point moves define a new endpoint in relation to the current axis position (if the axis is stationary) or to the targeted endpoint (if the axis is still in motion). Example: If the axis is stationary at +1 inch (from the zero position offset) an absolute set-point move with a position value of 2 inches will cause the actuator to move 1 inch to the +2 inch position. An incremental set-point move with a position value of 2 inches will cause the actuator to move 2 inches to the +3 inch position.

Interlocking - Cross checking of machine station elements that allows the sequence to continue safely.

Key - A square or rectangular steel block which is used to locate two mating details to each other.

Liveman Switch - Switch on the teach pendant that only allows robotic motion when this switch and the particular motion button are pressed.

Locator Pin - Precisely installed stud that locates a part or a pallet in a precise location.

Lube Period - System driven lube delivery period in which the lube system is cycled one or more times necessary to deliver the required amount of lube to the designated points.

Lube Program - A lube sequence established to insure that the lube system will deliver the proper amount of lubricant to designated bearing points at the proper intervals.

Lube System - Usually includes a lube reservoir, lube pump, divider valve or valves, feed lines to bearing points and some form of monitor.

Machine - The workstation, fixtures, utilities panel and any other devices all combined.

Mm - Millimeter. Unit of measure equal to 0.03937 inches.

N.C. - Normally Closed. Refers to the position of the contacts in a switch when there is no power applied to the switch and facilities are off.

N.O. - Normally Open. Refers to the position of the contacts in a switch when there is no power applied to the switch and facilities are off.

Offset - A displacement in the axial direction of the tool which is the difference between the actual tool length and the length established by a programmer.

Operator Interface Panel - The machine's control panel that displays machine data (HMI) and allows operator control of the machine functions.

PLC - Programmable Logic Controller.

Power Panel - Three phase Power Supplies for all for all distributed Station control boxes.

Pneumatic Network - A schematic network of all air lines and devices. Shows size, function and location.

PSI - Pounds per Square Inch.

PSIA - Pounds per Square Inch Absolute.

PSID - Pounds per Square Inch Differential.

PSIG - Pounds per Square Inch Gauge.

Qualified Person - A person or persons who, by possession of recognized degree or certificate of professional training, or who, by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve problems relating to the subject matter and work.

Rail - A straight metal part used to guide, contain and/or as a transporting surface.

Relay - An electromechanical device (the coil).

Runout - Running the machine without parts entering the Load Station. Runout complete when the machine is empty of parts.

SCFH - Standard Cubic Feet per Hour.

Servo Motor - A motor used in a servo system. Its rotation or speed (or both) are controlled by corrective electric signals that have been amplified and fed into the motor control.

Spacer - A component used to hold a set distance between two parts.

Spindle - A holding device that drives a tool for a machining operation.

Spindle Housing - An enclosure for gears, bearings and spindles.

Tap - A tool used to create screw threads in a hole or the process of performing a threading operation.

Teach Pendant - Is a handheld operating and programming device used to alter the speeds and dimensions, parameters moved by a servo motor. Identified as the SINUMERIK HT8 on this machine. It can be connected to the HMI on the machine.

Torque (units of torque) - Pound feet--pound inches---Newton Meters. Pound foot (lb ft) = 1.356 Newton meter (Nm)

Transducer - In NC it is a device that measures an output and converts it into a signal acceptable to an error detector. In its broadest definition, it is a device that converts one energy into another.

Transistor - An electronic device able to control electric current flow.

Trip - Component used to activate or deactivate a limit switch or fluid control. Used to start, stop or slow down a machine move.

Voltage - An electromotive force expressed in volts.

Zero - The point from which all dimensions are referenced in an absolute positioning system.