Organizational Measures

The General Machine Documentation must be permanently kept in the proximity of the machine and made accessible to the operating and maintenance personnel.

Regulations in Addition to the General Machine Documentation

In addition to the General Machine Documentation, all statutory and local regulations relating to accident prevention and environment protection must be available; conformance with these regulations must be checked regularly.

Safety and Hazard Information

All safety and hazard information on the machine must be maintained in a legible condition and must not be removed.

Interference Immunity

Fault-free operation of the machine is guaranteed only when the control cabinet doors are closed. The use of mobile and radio telephones, receivers or other high-frequency devices in the direct proximity of an open control cabinet is forbidden.

Safety Equipment

The required protective clothing and equipment must be provided by the machine owner. Furthermore, it is the owner's responsibility to ensure proper use of the required protective clothing and equipment by personnel.


Passwords guarding access to protected control settings are to be kept secret. They may only be revealed to those persons who are entitled to change default settings and are specially trained for this work.

Protected settings must only be changed depending on certain maintenance and repair work. Passwords are not necessary for normal machine operation. Great care should be taken when working with password-protected settings. Incorrect input may trigger malfunction, which may endanger persons and cause damage.