Safety Precautions

The Signal Words; DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION, are used to identify levels of hazard severity. Their selection is based on the likely consequence of human interaction with a hazard in terms of:

  • The degree of severity. (Minor injury, severe injury, death)
  • The probability of severity. (WILL result in, COULD result in)

Definitions for identifying hazard levels are provided below with their respective signal words.

Hazard level should not be overstated nor understated. Careful assessment of the hazard situation should be made to determine, in the assessor's best judgment, the probable consequence of interaction with the hazard in terms of the given definitions.

Overuse of DANGER to identify moderate or low probability situations can dilute the intended importance of DANGER as an identifier for high probability situations. Conversely, CAUTION should not be used to identify high probability situations or severe injury hazards.

Warnings with this wording indicates immediate danger that will cause death or serious personal injury if the warning is not observed.
Follow the instructions.
Warnings with this wording indicates potential danger that may cause death or serious personal injury if the warning is not observed.
Follow the instructions.
Warnings with this wording indicates potential danger that might cause moderate to slight personal injury or damage to property, if the warning is not observed.
Follow the instructions.

Safety instructions


Safety warnings that precede an instruction refer to dangers of which you must be generally aware when carrying out the following work, in order to avoid damage to yourself, other people or property.