Service Functions

Call Up Service Functions


  • Safety doors closed and locked.
  • Drives and media switched on.
  • "HMI" main menu open.

Press lower horizontal softkey "Man.funct.".
The menu of the "Manual functions" area is opened.

Press upper horizontal softkey "Service functions".
The menu of the "Service functions" area is opened (3rd menu level).

HMI screens are available for the following machine components:

  • IBN-I (Commissioning function 1)

Fast Drill Breaking

The tactile probe can also be moved with the aid of individual functions for commissioning and test purposes. A tool must be moved to the provisioning place for this purpose. The following functions are possible:

  • Teach-in WBK actual value: The tool at the provisioning place is scanned and the measured value determined is displayed in the list of OEM tool data ("TW" column).
  • Measure WBK setpoint value: The tool at the provisioning place is scanned at the angle displayed in the "TW" column.

WBK act.val

Manually teach a tool that is located on the provisioning place.

  • Teach: Function for determining the angle value (actual value) of the tactile probe that occurs when probing the tool. The actual value is displayed in degrees in the yellow field.
  • Apply: Function for applying the angle value in the control (tool data record). This value is used for the following measurements as a reference value (teach value)."TW" column in the OEM tool list.

WBK sp value

Pressing the left softkey executes a measurement on the tool that is located at the provisioning place. If the difference of the measured value, compared to the reference value, is greater than the tolerance value, an error message is output.


Function for moving the tactile probe to the preferred angle values.

  • to setpoint position: Move tactile probe to a specified setpoint position. This setpoint position is entered via the individual function below.
  • to home position: Move tactile probe to the home position (0 degrees).


Function for entering the setpoint position for the tactile probe. The input value appears in the yellow field.

Setpoint pos. ( - ): Alter position in small increments:

  • Reduce value: Brief keystroke on the left softkey.
  • Increase value: Brief keystroke on the right softkey.

Setpoint pos. ( + ): Alter position in large increments:

  • Reduce value: Long keystroke on the left softkey.
  • Increase value: Long keystroke on the right softkey.

Function for entering the tolerance value for the tactile probe. The tolerance value appears in the yellow field (typically 0.5 degrees).

  • Reduce value: Long keystroke on the left softkey.
  • Increase value: Long keystroke on the right softkey.

Call Up Service Functions


  • Safety doors closed and locked.
  • Drives and media switched on.
  • "HMI" main menu open.

Press lower horizontal softkey "Man.funct.".
The menu of the "Manual functions" area is opened.

Press upper horizontal softkey "Service functions".
The menu of the "Service functions" area is opened (3rd menu level).

HMI screens are available for the following machine components:

  • IBN-I (Commissioning function 1)

Collision monitoring in special operating mode "SETUP"

"Collision monitoring off"

In normal operating mode "AUTOMATIC", collision monitoring is switched on and off with the Approval key key.

  • Key Approval key pressed (and held down): Collision monitoring is deactivated.
  • Key Approval key released: Collision monitoring is activated.

"Approval for traversing movement"

In special operating mode "SETUP", the Approval key is use, to even release traversing movements of individual axes. However, in this case, the collision monitoring is switched on for safety reasons (standard setting).

The status is displayed in the HMI function "Collision monitoring in special operating mode" as follows:

With an open safety door, the above setting can be used to move axes without collision.

"SETUP" special mode

Collision monitoring deactivated


Risk of collision "Pallet/tool - NC axis".

In certain exceptional situations, when pallet or tool changers no longer react to individual functions, it may be necessary to turn collision monitoring off in special operating mode "SETUP".

  • Press left-hand softkey, which is assigned to the function (the l.h. display field is highlighted).

This allows movements to be continued or a default position to be approached when the system is in an undefined condition.

Call Up Service Functions


  • Safety doors closed and locked.
  • Drives and media switched on.
  • "HMI" main menu open.

Press lower horizontal softkey "Man.funct.".
The menu of the "Manual functions" area is opened.

Press upper horizontal softkey "Service functions".
The menu of the "Service functions" area is opened (3rd menu level).

HMI screens are available for the following machine components:

  • IBN-II (Commissioning function 2)


This HMI function can be used to read out PLC data modules and backed up in a file.


After a repair, the machine status can be reproduced quickly with this function, when the register data are imported into the control.

Call Up Service Functions


  • Safety doors closed and locked.
  • Drives and media switched on.
  • "HMI" main menu open.

Press lower horizontal softkey "Man.funct.".
The menu of the "Manual functions" area is opened.

Press upper horizontal softkey "Service functions".
The menu of the "Service functions" area is opened (3rd menu level).

HMI screens are available for the following machine components:

  • IBN-I (Commissioning function 1)

Fundamental Principles

The "Brake active axis" HMI function of the "IBM I" HMI screen is used to release the motor brake of an NC axis in case of malfunction. The motor brake holds the NC axis in this situation for safety reasons.

Release of the motor brake should take into account whether it is a horizontal or a vertical axis.

Basic sequence:

  • Select the NC axis of the desired motor brake
  • Select Feed Stop key
  • Select Mode 2 with the Setup Mode button
  • Disable Collision Monitoring with the Approval button.
  • Select the "Unclamp" softkey of the Brake-active axis in the HMI-IBN-1

Preselect NC Axis

Step 1:


  • Safety doors closed and locked.
  • Drives and media switched on.
  • Operating mode "ER" active.
  • "AUTO" NC operating mode active.
  • Access rights to switch-off collision monitoring is granted (EKS key).

Refer to: "Collision monitoring"

Press Machine area key.
The "Machine" main menu is opened.

Press the JOG key.
"JOG" NC mode is activated.

Step 2:

Select axis.

  • X key for the horizontal axis of the machining unit.
  • Y key for the vertical axis of the machining unit.
  • Z key for the Z slide.
  • A key for the A axis.
  • B key for the rotary table.

The associated LED is lit.

Step 3:

Press the Feed Stop

Step 4:

"SETUP MODE" mode is activated by pressing the middle key SETUP MODE on the machine function operator panel. Provided that the green "Electronic Key" has been inserted into the EKS holder.

Release Motor Brake

Step 1:

Press the "IBN-I" softkey.
The "IBN-I" HMI screen is opened.

"Brake-active axis" is found on page 2/2.


When the motor brake is released, an axis may suddenly start moving (drop) under its own weight. It is possible for persons in the danger area to sustain fatal injuries as a result.

Make sure that no one is in or near the traversing range of the vertical units.

Step 2:

In addition to the "Brake active axis" function, press and hold the Approval key on the main operator panel while performing the brake unclamp procedure.

The individual functions have a blue background, collision monitoring is not active.
The motor brake of the selected axis releases.
With selected vertical axis, motor brake will be released for the duration of 100 ms approximately.

Release the Approval key.
Collision monitoring is reactivated again.
The motor brake is activated.

Step 3:

Press left-hand softkey assigned to the line "Brake active axis" and hold it down.
The function is selected.