Preparing the Machine

Power-up conditions

For automatic production operation, all media, the chip conveyor etc. must be switched on.
To make sure that the functions are activated when the Machine ON key is pressed, you should check the start preconditions and, if necessary, enable them before starting production. The start preconditions are enabled in the "Power-up conditions" HMI screen.

Step 1:


  • Control run up.
  • "HMI-Prepare" main menu is open.

Press upper horizontal softkey "Pow-up condition"

  • The "Power-up conditions" HMI screen is opened.

Step 2:

Press the right vertical softkey "..." for the power-up conditions that are not enabled.

  • The right-hand display field is shaded green. After the drives and media are switched on the above functions will start automatically.

Opening the HMI menu "Process"

Step 1:

With Data menu key call up the basic menu on the main operator panel.

Press the "HMI" softkey.
The control switches to the "HMI" main menu.

Press lower horizontal softkey "Process".
The "Process" area menu is opened.
The following HMI screens can be selected:

  • Machine overview
  • Workpiece counter
  • Cycle time
  • Qs Data (DMC)
  • Test time
  • SPC

Station Overview

Step 1:


  • "HMI - overview" main menu opened.

Press upper horizontal softkey "Stat. overview".
The Station overwiew is opened.

This screen provides an overview of the machine status. The active statuses are colour-coded.

Safety doors
Work area, workpiece setting station, tool setting station, maintenance doors, etc.

  • closed and/or locked (green)
  • open and/or not locked (red)

Emergency stop

  • on the main operator panel
  • on the tool loading station control unit
  • on the HT8
  • on the loader

Station status

  • Fault
    • none (green)
    • present (red)
    • selected (green)
    • deselected (red)
  • Home position
    • approached (green)
    • not approached (yellow)
  • Machining
    • completed (green)
    • not completed (yellow)

Workpiece Counter

The "Workpiece counter" HMI screen shows the workpiece counter readings of the current workpiece type in the unload area. Three counters simultaneously run in parallel for the workpiece to be produced which are displayed in the following fields:

  • Total counter
  • Daily counter
  • Shift counter

Step 1:


  • "HMI - Process" main menu open.

Press upper horizontal softkey "Wp Counter".
The "Cycle time" HMI screen is opened.
Counts of different workpiece types are possible if necessary and can be displayed in the fields of the bottom display block.

Each counter records the workpieces in the overall machine, separated into:

  • Total number of machined parts.
  • Number of correct parts: OK parts.
  • Number of parts which are not correct: NOK parts.

Total counter
The counters of the fields in the top display block count all machined workpieces, regardless of workpiece type.

Type-related counter
The counters of the lower display block show the counter statuses for the workpiece type selected in the workpiece list. If only one workpiece type is produced, the counter readings for the top and bottom display block are identical.

Resetting the counters
The three counters to be reset are marked in the fields of the bottom display block by a blue rectangular field before the counter using the horizontal cursor keys. The softkey assigned to the "Plus button", is used to reset the selected counters. When resetting workpiece counters, all figures in a triple display are reset to zero at the same time.

Cycle time

The "Cycle time" HMI screen displays the actual and target cycle times for the module. Cycle times are displayed in seconds and to one decimal place.

Step 1:


  • - "HMI - Process" main menu open.

Press upper horizontal softkey "Cycle time".
The "Cycle time" HMI screen is opened.

Actual cycle
The actual cycle of the module is shown in white as long as the corresponding target cycle time is not exceeded. If the target cycle time is exceeded the actual cycle entry is marked in red.

Reference cycle
The target cycle of the module is displayed in the corresponding field of the first line.

Data Matrix Code

Step 1:

The "DMC" HMI screen, which can be selected via the "Qs Data" softkey, allows the Data Matrix Code of the workpiece to be displayed.

The Data Matrix Code was read from the loader when the workpiece was loaded and sent to the machine control (interface).

In the "DMC" HMI screen, the alphanumeric value of the Data Matrix Code is displayed in three number blocks:

  • Part Number
  • Serial Number
  • Batch Number

Test time

Step 1:

In the "Test time" screen, the process times of the last 20 workpieces is displayed.
If the operator finds that the process times for workpiece machining are longer, it is possible to check in this screen at which point the actual times deviate from the target times.

SPC Parts

Step 1:

The "SPC" screen enables you to specify, for each workpiece type, the number of workpieces after which a "measuring component" is to be transported to the SPC location of the machine. The component concerned is then unloaded after machining.

Current Value
After every unloaded finished part, the program counts backwards from the specified standard value. For example, given a standard value of 50, the value 41 is displayed after 9 finished parts are unloaded.

Warning Value
When the pre-warning limit, e.g. 20, is reached, the next finished part is transported from the loader to the SPC location. If the SPC location is occupied, the machine continues to produce until the SPC location becomes free or the limit value is reached.

Expired Value / MC Stop Value
If the limit value is reached and no component has been transported to the SPC location, the machine will stop. As soon as the finished part is loaded onto the SPC location, further components can be produced. The component must be measured before the value for the MC stop is reached. After the measurement, the measuring component counter on the SPC location must be set to 0. If the measurement was not carried out in time, the machine will stop at the end of the cycle.