Setting Pallet Clamping Check Kracht/Kubler
Reference Files
Step 1: PreselectionPreselection: The preselections must be programmed with the following values prior to the clamping check being commissioned.
Step 2: Press the Pallet in Work Area Clamp Button / Capture ValuesPress the pallet in work area clamp button, and note the value. Press the red reset ket on the kubler to set the counter to zero. Step 3: Press the Pallet in Work Area Unclamp Button / Capture ValuesPress the pallet in work area unclamp, and note the value. Press the red reset key on the kubler to set the counter to zero. Step 4: Calculate Pre-SelectionsThis process is repeated 10 times. An average is taken of all the values minus six. PR1 (clamp / unclamp) = (VALUE PR1) - 6 Step 5: Unlock Pallet at Setting Station / Raise Swivel Traverse (Bridge)Unlock the pallet at the setting station, and ensure that the pallet in the work area is unclamped. Raise the swivel traverse (bridge). Step 6: Press the Pallet in Work Area Clamp Button / Capture ValuesPress the pallet in work area clamp button, and note the value. Press the red reset key on the kubler to set the counter to zero. Step 7: Press the Pallet in Work Area Unclamp Button / Capture ValuesPress the pallet in work area unclamp, and note the value. Press the red reset key on the kubler to set the counter to zero. Step 8: Calculate Pre-SelectionsThis process is repeated 10 times. An average is taken of all the values minus six. PR2 (tolerance exceeded) = (switching value for maximum lift) - 6 Step 9: Enter Values into PR1 and PR2 / Check Clamp Unclamp ValuesEnter the values into PR1 and PR2 and lower the swivel traverse. Verify the clamp / unclamp values using the HMI and the kubler. Step 10: Verify Procedure was Done CorrectlyCheck the functionality by performing several manual pallet changes. The swivel traverse should raise without interference and the pallet in work area should show clamped and unclamped. |